Tuesday 2 February 2016

My Favorite Things From 2016: Beauty Edition

Oprah has her rundown of most loved things and now I have mine! Do you utilize a considerable measure of the same items consistently? I didn't understand that I had a My Favorite Things list until this week. In this way, I needed to impart them to you.

These are my 10 most loved excellence items that I utilize each and every day. The rundown doesn't have extravagance items, however moderate things that you can discover locally or on the web.

Why are My Favorite Things not the same as another person's rundown?

You are getting guidance from somebody such as YOU, not a supermodel or a 18 year old!

Who am I?

I'm 49 years of age, mother of 2 grown-up kids, wedded 26 years, proficient representative and carefree individual!

Play around with this rundown. Do you see anything that you like or need to attempt? Possibly you might want to impart your rundown to me and others! I trust this rundown helps you select items that will suit YOU.

1-My Favorite Hair Spray

Solidify It Mega Freeze Hair Spray: I was a rod twirler in secondary school and school and my hair was a major ordeal to me! This was amid the 1980's when hot rollers and hair shower were not kidding staples! Do you recall the GREEN container of Miss Breck hair shower? It was the feline's whimper? Thankfully, hair splash has advanced and my most loved hairspray in 2015 is the Freeze It Mega Freeze Hair Spray.

2-My Favorite Hair Rollers

Calista Tools Ion Hot Rollers: As an offspring of the 1980's, I LOVE my hot hair rollers. Today, the vast majority utilize level irons and I do once in a while. Be that as it may, my "go to" styling apparatus is this set! Simple to utilize and extraordinary twists that hold! Strong and they warm super quick.

3-My Favorite Skin Care

Rodan + Fields Unblemish Power Pack: My skin tone and surface has changed due to utilizing the Rodan + Fields items. I have really gotten compliments on my skin! I would have NEVER had that happen 5 years prior. My grown-up skin break out is under control as well.

4-My Favorite Perfume

Dream Angels Heavenly by Victoria's Secret: This aroma has been a staple for a long time. Lamentably, it appears that Victoria's Secret has stopped this aroma. Since a few aromas trigger headaches, I should be watchful of the aroma and Victoria's Secret scents don't give me a headache! There are times when I utilize scent at home since I simply need to feel better! An incredible aroma will improve you feel and give you certainty.

5-My Favorite Beauty Tool

Rodan + Fields Macro Exfoliator: The #1 hindrence to better, all the more shining skin is Dead Skin Cells! This excellence instrument uproots more than 5 million dead skin cells in 5 minutes. I get gleaming, smoother, more delightful skin when I utilize this instrument just 1 time a week. This Exfoliator is superior to a facial with an aethesitician - at any rate I would say. This is a MUST have (you can not utilize this device on touchy skin).

6-My Favorite Lipstick

Maybelline SuperStay 14 Hour Lipstick: This lipstick is my "go to" lipstick. I buy loads of various brands, yet dependably appear to come back to the Maybelline Superstay. This lipstick will last through instructing a morning of college classes!

7-My Favorite Lip Balm

Lip Shield by Rodan + Fields: This lip shield goes past moisturization to give defensive skincare to your lips. I utilize this item different times each day and after suppers as well! The Lip Shield is similar to the swiss armed force blade for your lips. This lip medicine hydrates, mollifies and ensures with peptides, dimenthicone, shea margarine, avocado, sunflower seed and Vitamins A, C and E.

8-My Favorite Mascara

Wash-Off Waterproof Mascara by Avon: This item conveys. It doesn't cluster, it goes on effectively and it remains focused. With slick skin, I have an issue if mascara falling off on my skin each day. I've attempted each medication store brand and most premium brands of mascara and I keep on coming back to this item - Avon's Wash-Off Waterproof Mascara.

9-My Favorite Eyebrow Pencil

Forehead Definer Pencil by Mary Kay: My blonde eyebrows have constantly required filling in with an eyebrow. At age 49, I have to fill in for different reasons! Never skirt your eyebrows since they really outline your whole face. What's more, never keep your eyebrows in another period such as the 1960's - this will date you faster than wearing a scrunchie!

10-My Favorite Mineral Powder

Mineral Peptide Powder by Rodan + Fields: With sleek skin inclined to breakouts, I've utilized a wide range of cosmetics from premium to medication store. The best mineral powder establishment is from Rodan + Fields. The mineral peptide powder accomplishes more than even skin tone, it shields your skin from ecological aggressors and has peptides to upgrade your skin!

I had a great time amassing and sharing My Favorite Things from 2015: Beauty Edition. Presently, you let me know YOUR FAVORITE THINGS!


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